Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


Why many inhabitants of hell are women?
Narrated Usama bin Zaid, he said: The Messenger Shallallahualaihi wa salam said:
"I stood at the door of heaven (apparently) Most people who go into it are weak people, while those who glory (ie: the affluent, people who have status and material happiness) suspended (from heaven), but the population hell told to go to hell. I stood at the gates of hell, it kebanyakkan that goes into it is the women (Hadith was Saheeh narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim)

And another dihadits was narrated from 'Imran bin Hushain radhiyAllahuanhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa salam, he said:
I had a look into the heavens, I also look into hell, then I saw kebanyakkan residents are women (Hadith Sahih Bukhari and narrated history as well as by Kutubbusittah)
Really. Allah has revealed to our Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasalam about Heaven and Hell on the night of Isra Mi'raj, when he was a look into the heavens, apparently residents are poor people. He is also a look into hell turns kebanyakkan residents are women. (Now that we ask whether those who had been described by him in his future?)
he replied:Did not the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa salam has said:
Best time was on my day, then the next (friend,tabi'in, tabiut tabi'in). Hadith enough known among the experts in the science of keshahihannya) Then who is mentioned by him about women. Allaah knows best
Then what is their fault? if they do not obey Allah and His Messenger, or do they beryakinan that religion must satisfy his desires.
Or they think that they have done their best in this life, kalolah really, really mean what was said by the Almighty:
Say: Is the (willing) we tell about the greatest losers in deeds? That is, people who wasted his deeds in this life, while they thought that they were doing their best effort. They are the ones who deny (Kufr) the verses of Allah and meet Him, then delete their charity work, and we entered a judgment against the (deeds) their kiamat.Demikianlah day, their reply was blasted, because of their Kufr / reneges and because they make my verses and my apostles as banter. (Surat al-Kahf (18) verses 103-106)
Know, Muslim Women.
Or do they have entered into other options for the business, when Allah and His Messenger have set a statute, but for them there are other options to suit his or went along with the people around him.
And Allah Ta'ala says in His Word:
And it is not (worth) for men who are believers and not (also) for a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have set a statute, it is there for those options (the others) about the affairs of them.And whoever disobeys Allah and His messenger then indeed he has strayed, err real (Surat al-Ahzab (33) Paragraph 36)
Also he said:
And barangsaiapa who turn away from Me, then surely her narrow livelihood and we will menghimpunkannya on the day in a state of blind (Surat Taha (20) Paragraph 124)
Then why do they not ittiba to the lady who was there at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa salam which he specified that at the time was she the best.
Not at the present time have all been following the actions of al yahud and an Nassara, cubit by cubit and inch by inch.
In the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, that he said:There are two groups of inhabitants of hell that I had never seen before, the people who hold the whip like cattle and mencambukkannya to the human body. then a group of women who wear clothes but like naked. Lean and walked melenggak-swing and sway like a hump camel head swaying. They will not go to heaven, can not even smell it, but can smell the scent of paradise within this hour and the journey that much (saheeh hadeeth narrated by Muslim and others)
The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa salam had a look around the upcoming world events and the events that scary, so he knows something worn by women, so he mentioned hadith. So we should not be surprised at it.
Here are the words of the scholars of hadith.
Al-Hafiz Abu al-Khattab said: word of him, There were two groups of inhabitants of hell that I had never seen before was the intention of the class of all things.
Ibn Faris Al Mujmal in the book says that the appropriate punishment, including caning and flogging means mixing one part to another part.
His Word:A group of women wearing decent clothes but naked means in terms of their dress clothes, while in terms of their religion naked, because they are open and revealing the contours of their body shape and some of her beauty.

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